
What Do You Need For Paint Pouring

Cascade Painting Supplies

Are you lot just diving into fluid art and wondering which pour painting supplies yous need to be sucessful with this fun art? Or maybe you lot have been working with fluid techniques for a while and now looking to endeavour new crawly supplies and ideas? In this commodity, I explicate everything pace-by-stride and will also help you make environmentally friendly choices.

And in instance you are new to my website, my proper noun is Olga Soby. I'm a fluid artist, and on this website and my YouTube channel, I provide aspiring artists with tools and knowledge they can employ to main acrylic pouring and make beautiful fine art. And I'grand thrilled that you are here 😀

And then let's talk about pouring supplies! Also, I highly recommend you to check out these two articles to learn about other aspects of acrylic pouring.

Pouring Tips & Tricks

My all-time recommendations and must-knows for acrylic pouring beginners.

Pouring Videos

Here you'll find video tutorials on my favorite paint pouring techniques.

i. Best Acrylic Paint for Pouring

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Through the past few years, I have tried, tested, and experimented with numerous unlike paint brands. And after all, I came to this "go-for" listing of paints that are great quality, work beautifully for pouring techniques, and dry out nicely.

Ane of my favorite brands is Studio Acrylics by Pebeo. It's a High Viscosity paint with good pigmentation, smooth buttery consistency, and a corking choice of colors. What I love the most about this paint is how bright and vivid colors look when they are dry. And I want to especially highlight Pebeo'south Irised Line – these colors look STUNNING when dry.

Another brand that I love is Amsterdam – splendid color selection, and colors dry vibrant. Like Pebeo, this brand also works great when mixed with pouring medium or with water only. I honey about of the rich colors by Winsor & Newton Galleria line, they work amazingly with most pouring recipes. I as well use acrylics by Liquitex Basics a lot, so that will exist my third recommendation.

If you lot are looking for cheaper paint for experiments and practice, I would recommend Sargent Fine art acrylics. These acrylics dry out duller and darker due to lower quality. Plus I don't recommend calculation too much h2o to these paints. However, they are nevertheless suitable if y'all are a beginner ou and not prepare to buy more expensive acrylics.

Pebeo and Amsterdam used for

Acrylic Pour Painting

Acrylic Pouring Medium

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Pouring medium is a substance that we add to acrylic paint to reduce its viscosity and meliorate the flow, thus making it suitable for acrylic pouring techniques.

First, there are commercial pouring mediums – mediums designed by paint brands specifically for pouring techniques. There are many available right now, personally, I like one by Pebeo. It extends paints making them more glossy, which helps colors retain brightness and saturation. Plus, it's flexible when dry, which reduces crazing. Another skillful brands are Liquitex and Decoart.

Next, we tin talk about pouring medium alternatives such every bit Floetrol and Glue-all (or PVA Mucilage). Technically, those are non designed for acrylic cascade painting. However, they have been successfully used past the pouring community as a cheaper alternative to commercial mediums. I oft use Floetrol every bit my pouring medium. I like that it helps with cell cosmos in my paintings.

Last but not least is Water. Yes, you can totally use just h2o to make your pigment more fluid. Just don't add too much as it can affect the binding properties of the paint and increment bully.

Which one to use? In that location is definitely no right or wrong option here. And the selection depends on the technique and effect that you are trying to achieve. Think of it equally different recipes for cake – ingredients depend on the type of cake that y'all're going to make 🙂

Keep in mind that you tin totally combine dissimilar mediums in one recipe. For example: floetrol and water or gum and pouring medium, etc. When you hear "my pouring medium recipe" from a fluid artist, that often means a combination of ingredients added to the paint.

Check out the playlists below to get an idea about techniques that I practise with different recipes, and you'll find pouring mediums used listed in each video clarification:

3. Pour Painting Supplies for Mixing

Pour painting supplies GUIDE - everything you need to get started. Comprehensive acrylic pouring supplies guide from fluid artist Olga Soby.

Pour painting supplies GUIDE - everything you need to get started. Comprehensive acrylic pouring supplies guide from fluid artist Olga Soby.

Cups, jars, mixing sticks –  all those handy acrylic cascade painting supplies are needed for mixing and storing your pouring mixture.

Y'all can use popsicle sticks, merely I recommend getting REUSABLE Eco-Friendly Mixing sticks. Wipe them after use or peel the pigment off once information technology'due south dry, and they are good to go again.

After that, get durable plastic or silicone cups andsilicone mini-bowls, and you would be able topeel the dry paint off and reuse information technology. Paper cups are besides a great option and a more biodegradable alternative to one-time-use plastic cups.

In improver, having some containers with tight lids is also very handy – you can preserve any extra pigment you've mixed for the next pour. I likewise like to use clasp bottles – this is my favorite way to shop pre-mixed paints.

Past the way, yous don't need to purchase everything brand new all the fourth dimension. Use anything from around the house, whatever you would normally throw in a recycle. For case cups, jars, bottles, containers – give them a 2d life and minimize the waste.

iv. Pouring Surface

Pour painting supplies GUIDE - everything you need to get started. Comprehensive acrylic pouring supplies guide from fluid artist Olga Soby.

Pour painting supplies GUIDE - everything you need to get started. Comprehensive acrylic pouring supplies guide from fluid artist Olga Soby.

Paints are mixed! After that, we need something to cascade on 😀What tin can you pour on? Overall, y'all tin pour on anything flat andnot oily.

The virtually popular surfaces for pouring are canvases and wooden panels. If you piece of work on sail, it is essential to make sure that information technology's non saggy. Otherwise, fluid paint is going to puddle upwardly in the center while drying.

Personally, I adopt to work on cradled forest panels as they're completely flat and sturdy. In add-on, the dry painting tin can easily be covered with resin without information technology puddling in the eye. Only if y'all as well utilize wood, make sure to prime number it with gesso outset. In this video, I show how.

Moreover, y'all can try pouring on tiles, box lids, vinyl discs, moving-picture show frames, and even vases and Christmas ornaments, etc. Drinking glass-shine surfaces can likewise be used for sure techniques, only you need to prime it with a ceramic primer.

5. Torch or Heat Gun

Pour painting supplies GUIDE - everything you need to get started. Comprehensive acrylic pouring supplies guide from fluid artist Olga Soby.

Pour painting supplies GUIDE - everything you need to get started. Comprehensive acrylic pouring supplies guide from fluid artist Olga Soby.

Torch is an optional but quite handy tool. It's great for two things:

ane. Pops air bubbles that are in the paint from mixing and stirring. You tin let your paint+medium mixtures sit for well-nigh 30 min before pouring to allow most of the air bubbling to escape. But sometimes information technology's not enough, and this is when the torch likewise comes in handy.

two. Stimulates Cells creation. If yous added silicone oil to your pigment, slight torching will stimulate the growth of the cells dramatically. Merely even without silicone oil, with picayune torching, y'all create some lacing and low-cal cells furnishings.

In that location is a variety of small and handy torches that are called culinary, chefs, craft, micro, etc. For example, I beloved using this Torch. Too, get butane fuel for the refill.

Furthermore, if you don't feel comfy using a torch, then a estrus gun is a adept alternative. It generates heat without an open up flame. However, keep in listen that airflow from the oestrus gun can push the pigment, so work carefully if you don't want to alter the design.

6. PPE

Acrylic Pouring PPE

Acrylic Pouring PPE

Condom is important. Therefore make sure to read MSDS of all the paints, mediums, and tools you are using. Follow all the prophylactic recommendations, and use proper Personal Protective Equipment. And here are some general must-haves from me:

Fire Extinguisher – if you utilise a torch or rut gun, I highly recommend having one attainable in your working area. Here is the one I have.

Gloves – it'south sure fun to have paint all over your hands. Nonetheless, acrylic paints and mediums are non the most "innocent" materials out there. That is to say, with some paints and mediums, information technology'south recommended to avert direct skin contact. So once again, always read the safety data sail. I like reusing my gloves by wiping off the excess paint from them after each pouring session and reuse them every bit many times as possible to cutting downwardly the waste.

Good Ventilation and Air Purifier – Make sure that you have practiced ventilation in your working surroundings. Particularly if you are pouring a lot in a unmarried session and heating your pours with the torch. In addition, I recommend having an air purifier every bit it will help improve air quality and filter out the dust. For example, this is the air purifier by Levoit that I apply in my studio.

7. Acrylic Pouring Piece of work Space

Pour painting supplies GUIDE - everything you need to get started. Comprehensive acrylic pouring supplies guide from fluid artist Olga Soby.

Pour painting supplies GUIDE - everything you need to get started. Comprehensive acrylic pouring supplies guide from fluid artist Olga Soby.

Acrylic Pouring is a messy business concern! Therefore aside from stocking upwardly on the heady pour painting supplies, don't forget to accept care of your workspace! Otherwise, as much as you will savour the pouring process, you will Hate the cleaning.

In my Acrylic Pouring Workspace guide, I share tips, recommendations, and DIY instructions on how to set up your fine art environs properly, brand a pouring container, art spinner, and so much more than:

eight. Silicone & Additives for Cells

Acrylic Pouring Additives for Cells

Acrylic Pouring Additives for Cells

Y'all tin can become cells without silicone especially if you are using Floetrol in your mixture, or from certain techniques that are based on different pigment densities. But silicone oil brings the CELLS GAME to the whole next level! So try adding approximately 1 driblet per i-2 oz of color, stir slightly, cascade and relish! Here is a silicone that I use.

Besides, you can find some adept alternatives to silicone just around the house – RainX and Coconut Milk serum (too, they both have silicone/dimethicone as one of the ingredients).

Moreover, y'all can even employ DISH SOAP for cells. Watch this video for comparison –Acrylic Pour Cells: Silicone vs Dish Soap vs Booze

Explore fun tools and additives for

Pouring Techniques

Want to skyrocket your pouring skills?Check out our E-Course:

Our comprehensive course is a shortcut to Acrylic Pouring mastery. Perfect for those looking to skyrocket their fluid art skills, end wasting time & money, and achieve consistently beautiful results.

I hope this acrylic pouring guide was helpful for yous! Now have fun hunting for your new creative tools and cascade painting supplies 😀 And in my Amazon Storefront USA / CA / UK / DE, you'll find even more brands and supplies I employ, love, and recommend, so definitely check information technology out.

In conclusion, I want to say: Keep experimenting, keep exploring your unique creativeness, and enjoy every step of this journey!

Stay pourrific,

Olga Soby

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