
Rumor: Halo 4 Prematurely Leaked? Picture and Videos Suggest So. - pearsonthimemper1969

Nimbus 4 is without a single shadow of a doubt extraordinary of the biggest XBOX 360 titles this side of 2020 and the fan anticipation for it is anything short of legendary considering all the trailers that have lead up to the current United States Department of State of IT. Equal though the development torch has been passed on from Bungie to 343 industries it seems that Aureole 4 will still be able to stand strong as a new Halo spirited just news has already starting appearing that Halo 4 has apparently been leaked and there were even a few YouTube videos backing up this claim only were swiftly taken down aside Microsoft due to Right of first publication claims.


As I mentioned earlier Halo 4 is without a doubt one of the nigh highly anticipated AAA XBOX 360 titles releasing this draw of 2020. With scads of build upward to this import it seems that a fan has got his hands on the game already! Now before you guys say that pre-order copies arriving in the mail early are common then delight tell me which retailer ships out a halting almost a month earlier than its release date? Halo 4 is due out November 6th, so this is deinitely a leaked copy for predictable but the question now arises that is this leaked copy with a single idiosyncratic or is it among the masses and this lad is the only one to share his excitement?

As you tail see the bet on indeed does appear to be "leaked" and patc video testify was existing to back up his "claim" the videos were swiftly taken down by Microsoft and late along abstracted by the uploader. So right now this is still a rumor since there really isn't any compelling evidence to back up his claim but course the people who actually saw the video while it was still active are more than happy to believe what they saw and believe that the video indeed seemed legitimate and that the game was indeed in the hands the uploader but I again promote the question of whether the game was leaked to a single propitious individualist or was it a leak for the masses but hasn't been shared by umpteen others?

Hera is a link to the straight off removed "gameplay" video and Here is a join showing the disc payload of Halo 4 in process.

I Hope this outflow doesn't pass to spoilers beingness made viral on the internet as that would be truly disappointing and would emphatically ruin the live of the gage fans have been long waiting for.

Information technology appears that the leaked copy of Aureole 4 has indeed been distributed to the masses as more than than one XBOX subsist user has been spotted with Halo 4 in their play leaning. Consider the images below:


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